Let's face it, the world of technology & social media has gone a little mad & there are new coaching sessions EVERYWHERE. Which is great & super useful for us coaches - IF they're productive practices which help our 'footballers of today' be better footballers in the future. BUT, how do you know which ones to take?
Well, below are sessions that have been tried, tested & REGULARLY used in Premier League Academies & the International Pathway. They're my FAVOURITES. And they're also sessions which are sure to help support, stretch & challenge your players in the best possible way.
But remember, you ARE the coach. And it is the skill of YOU that is needed to adapt these sessions based on your numbers, individual & group development needs, age & stage of development, area size available, equipment available, time available, curriculum you are following - the list goes on! That's the real beauty of coaching.
Now go do your thing...
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